Del 1 Julio al 9 de Octubre

miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010

International Fundraising Workshop

The International Fundraising Workshop will be available for all non-profit organizations on March 13 and 14 2009, in CANACO Ciudad Juárez, Mexico (Henry Dunant 4505) The sponsors of this event are the Instituto de Ciencias del Sector Social, Centro de Recursos Internacionales para Organizaciones Civiles and by Juárez Chamber of Commerce.
The main goal of the workshop is to teach how to acces funds from international foundations, that could be intrested in supporting projects from your organization, it will be directed by the International Fundraising Counsultant and Certified Instructer by the México´s CERI, Isabel Robles M.A.
The participants will acces online data of many International Foundations with available funds for non-profit organizations, and they will be instructed on how to get in contact with them and how to write a Fund Request.
This workshop is for a limited audience we sugest to reserve your place sending an e-mail to or calling (656)6161833 for further information on payments.

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